Resource Description and Access


Is your catalog a jumble of AACR2 and RDA records trying to coexist? Our RDA enrichment process will refresh your AACR2 metadata by adding key RDA elements to create rich, new hybrid records.

Why? The changes in practice prescribed by RDA are aimed at future developments, including visions of linked data and library catalogs potentially operating in non-MARC environments. More practically, information such as media format now appears in different fields in newer records. By bringing the older content of your catalog up to the new standards, your records will display consistently in current discovery systems.

Take a look at our wiki and our RDA enrichment profile. See what options might help make your records more discoverable now and for your future plans.

Uniform Resource Identifier


Linked open data promises to revolutionize access to library resources. But linked data is only open when the links are persistent, freely accessible, and authoritative. Where do you start? The answer is URI enrichment.

During authority control processing, we can add URI links from external controlled vocabulary databases. For instance, your name and subject headings may link to the Library of Congress (NAF and LCSH), the Virtual International Authority File (VIAF), or the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) database. Similarly, CMC fields (336, 337, 338) may link to their corresponding RDA registries.

We follow current recommendations from the PCC Task Group on URIs in MARC to append URIs to bibliographic headings, placing NAF and LCSH URIs from fully matched headings in a $0 and VIAF and ISNI URIs in a $1.

Performing URI enrichment prior to converting your catalog to BIBFRAME or another linked data schema optimizes your metadata for the conversion. If your institution is ready to lead the way, let us run some samples to show you what we can do to help.

Authority Control

Other Enrichments

TOC (Table of Contents)
Depending on the materials in your collections, data such as tables of contents, summaries, author affiliation notes, and fiction profiles can create numerous additional access points in your bibliographic data. We work with two data partners whose strengths stand out with different types of collections. Give us a call to talk about what data sources might best enhance your catalog.
Reading Level Notes
Whether your local schools prefer to reference Lexile Measures or Accelerated Reader Levels, enriching records in your juvenile collections with reading level data can help younger patrons, along with their parents and teachers, to select materials that offer the right degree of challenge to develop fluency and comprehension skills and to become lifelong readers.
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