In March, as businesses, schools, and libraries began to shut down, history was being made. Documenting these events at a local and regional level presented opportunities and challenges. How do you gather and organize the digital artifacts of an emergency situation when connecting with the community is complicated by the emergency itself?
In this webinar, guest presenters Jeremy Myntti, Anna Neatrour, and Rachel Wittmann relate their approach to creating — and continuing to develop — the Utah COVID-19 digital collection at the University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library. They discuss born-digital content, metadata, permissions, and use scenarios.
Jeremy Myntti is interim Associate Dean for Collections and Scholarly Communication at the Marriott Library. His research interests revolve around making library collections more discoverable and accessible to patrons.
Anna Neatrour is Interim Head of Digital Library Services and Digital Initiatives Librarian at the Marriott Library. She enjoys working on collaborative digitization projects and exploring topics in digital humanities.
Rachel Wittmann is the Digital Curation Librarian at the Marriott Library. In her role, she creates metadata for digital collections, develops digital exhibits, and enjoys exploring ways to interpret metadata with data visualizations.